Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Lauder Podcast 35: Dr. James McGann

Dr. James McGann, the new Senior Lecturer of International Studies at the Lauder Institute and Director of Think Tanks and Civil Societies program at the University of Pennsylvania, discusses his new role at the Lauder Institute.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Lauder Podcast 34: Mauro Guillen

Professor Mauro Guillen, Director of the Lauder Institute, gives a brief overview of his new free online course he will be teaching called Analyzing Global Trends for Business and Society.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Lauder Podcast 33: Melissa Blohm

Melissa Blohm, Lauder Class of 2014 in the Spanish track, discusses her independent study project and how its preparing her for her future business goals.